Direct Link:!/NGSpipelines/Pinus pinaster - PineV2  

The  EST database contains the most comprehensive EST collection of pines (Pinus pinaster and Pinus sylvestris). Sequences were generated using the Sanger and 454 libraries.

Canales, J., Bautista, R., Label, P., Gómez-Maldonado, J., Lesur, I., Fernández-Pozo, N., Rueda-López, M., Guerrero-Fernández, D., Castro-Rodríguez, V., Benzekri, H., Cañas, R. A., Guevara, M.-A., Rodrigues, A., Seoane, P., Teyssier, C., Morel, A., Ehrenmann, F., Le Provost, G., Lalanne, C., Noirot, C., Klopp, C., Reymond, I., García-Gutiérrez, A., Trontin, J.-F., Lelu-Walter, M.-A., Miguel, C., Cervera, M. T., Cantón, F. R., Plomion, C., Harvengt, L., Avila, C., Gonzalo Claros, M. and Cánovas, F. M. (2014)
De novo assembly of maritime pine transcriptome: implications for forest breeding and biotechnology.
Plant Biotechnology Journal, 12: 286-299. doi: 10.1111/pbi.12136